  • Xnix/Line/Notification



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Average base rate of last three months ending Shrawan 20817.77%
Base rate for the month of Shrawan 20817.37%


Average base rate of last three months ending Ashar 20818.09%
Base rate for the month of Ashad 20817.75%
Base rate for the month of Jestha 20818.19%
Average base rate of last three months ending Jestha 20818.40%
Base rate for the month of Baisakh 20818.34%
Average base rate of last three months ending Baisakh 20818.59%
Base rate for the month of Chaitra 20808.67%
Average base rate of last three months ending Chaitra 20808.84%
Base rate for the month of Falgun 20808.77%
Average base rate of last three months ending Falgun 20809.09%
Base rate for the month of Magh 20809.09%
Average base rate of last three months ending Magh 20809.38%
Base rate for the month of Poush 20809.40%
Average base rate of last three months ending Poush 20809.60%
Base rate for the month of Mangsir 20809.64%
Average base rate of last three months ending Mangsir 20809.80%
Base rate for the month of Kartik 20809.75%
Average base rate of last three months ending Kartik 208010.01%
Base rate for the month of Ashwin 208010.02%
Average base rate of last three months ending Ashwin 208010.07%
Base rate for the month of Bhadra 208010.27%
Average base rate of last three months ending Bhadra 208010.09%
Base rate for the month of Shrawan 20809.91%
Average base rate of last three months ending Shrawan 208010.07%
Average base rate of last three months ending Ashadh 208010.20%
Base Rate for the month of Ashad 208010.08%
Average base rate of last three months ending Jestha 208010.37%
Base Rate for the month of Jestha 208010.22%
Average base rate of last three months ending Baisakh 208010.55%
Base Rate for the month of Baisakh 208010.31%
Average quarterly Base Rate for the quarter ending Chaitra 207910.69%
Base Rate for the month of Chaitra 207910.60%
Base Rate for the month of Falgun 207910.75%
Base Rate for the month of Magh 207910.73%
Average quarterly Base Rate for the quarter ending Poush 207910.80%
Base Rate for the month of Poush 207910.85%
Base Rate for the month of Mangsir 207910.86%
Base Rate for the month of Kartik 207910.69%
Average quarterly Base Rate for the quarter ending Ashwin 207910.19%
Base Rate for the month of Ashwin 207910.61%
Base Rate for the month of Bhadra 207910.10%
Base Rate for the month of Shrawan 20799.86%
Base Rate for the month of Ashadh 20799.54%
Average Quarterly Base Rate for the quarter ending Ashadh 20799.40%
Base Rate for the month of Jestha 20799.37%
Base Rate for the month of Baisakh 20799.30%
Base Rate for the month of Chaitra 20789.42
Average Quarterly Base Rate for the Quarter ending Chaitra 20788.95%
Base rate for the month of Falgun 20789.01%
Base rate for the month of Magh 20788.41%
Base Rate for the month Poush 20788.27%
Base Rate for the month Mangsir 20788.10%
Base Rate for the month Kartik 20787.61%
Base Rate for the month Ashwin 20787.41%
Base Rate for the month Bhadra 20786.38%
Base Rate for the month Shrawan 20786.36%
Base Rate for the month Ashadh 20786.60%
Base Rate for the month Jestha 20786.19%
Base Rate for the month Baisakh 20786.38%
Base Rate for the month Chaitra 20776.40%
Base Rate for the month Falgun 20776.46%
Base Rate for the month Magh 20776.44%
Base Rate for the month Poush 20776.76%
Base Rate for the month Mangsir 20776.99%
Base Rate for the month Kartik 20777.10%
Base Rate for the month Ashwin 20777.25%
Base Rate for the month Bhadra, 20777.35%
Base Rate for the m/o Shrawan, 20777.58%
Base Rate for the month Ashadh 20778.42%
Base Rate for the month Jestha 20778.53%
Base Rate for the month Baisakh 20778.83%
Base Rate for the month Chaitra 20769.41%
Base Rate for the month Falgun 20769.42%
Base Rate for the month Magh 20769.36%
Base Rate for the month Poush 20769.64%
Base Rate for the month Mangsir 20768.71%
Base Rate for the month Kartik 20769.10%
Base Rate for the month Ashwin 20769.44%
Base Rate for the month Bhadra, 20768.92%
Base Rate for the m/o Shrawan, 20768.87%
Base Rate for the month Ashadh 20769.54%
Base Rate for the month Jestha 20769.31%
Base Rate for the month Baisakh 20769.38%
Base Rate for the month Chaitra 20759.60%
Base Rate for the month Falgun 20759.46%
Base Rate for the month Magh 20759.70%
Base Rate for the month Poush 207510.09%
Base Rate for the month Mangsir 207510.54%
Base Rate for the month Kartik 207510.54%
Base Rate for the month Ashwin 207510.59%
Base Rate for the month Bhadra, 207510.40%
Base Rate for the m/o Shrawan, 207510.13%


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