
Global Share Lagani Bachat Khata: Invest Smartly


Keeping our customers in mind we are pleased to introduce Global Share Lagani Bachat Khata, a dedicated savings product for individuals involved or who aspire to be involved in share investment. The product addressed the requirement to manage their investments and other banking requirements. 

The product offers competitive returns in terms of interest rate and other lucrative benefits. It allows share investors to avail waivers on various ancillary products such as mobile/internet banking, MeroShare and debit card. 

Start your journey for smart share investing. Open your Global Share Lagani Savings Account today. 


Minimum balance: Zero

Free ASBA facility

Free mobile banking/Internet banking for the first year.

Free VISA Debit Card (first year)

50% discount on credit card issuance fee

50% discount on annual locker charge (upon availability)

Direct cash dividend credit into shareholder’s account.

Ready to apply?

Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Support / Call Centre
We're here to help. For any questions or support, please call our customer care centre - Global Connect.